Thursday, August 22, 2019

Bumping Into Each Other With Our Light

Light of The World by
Brent Borup
Used by permission from
A friend of mine shared a quote by Virginia Pierce that she found in Silent Souls Weeping.  There are, for a variety of reasons, including depression, people who can't feel God's love in their life.  Sister Pierce said that we need to "just keep bumping into them with our light.  Don't take your light away from them; don't distance yourself from them.  It doesn't mean you have to preach to them or get them to come to church or find a way to fix them. Trust that just your presence in their lives makes a difference because you are full of light and love -- and that's what we all long for."

Sometimes we don't know what to do to help people, but we can love them.  I like the idea that we can "bump into people with our light" and we can leave a little spark behind.  And maybe, if enough people do the same thing, the light of those who are struggling with so much darkness will be kindled, at least enough to get them through another day.

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