Thursday, July 18, 2019

Happy People Use The Power of Music

A well used, well loved tape from my growing up years.
I have a playlist that I can ask Alexa to play that is called my "happy" playlist.  The funny thing is, that my happy playlist doesn't always make me happy.  It seems to work better when I am already happy.  Sometimes I try out a few different playlists until I find the one that works with my mood.  Often it can't be too loud.  But, I do know that music can affect my mood, and even help me work through hard things.  The power of music for me is that, if I choose the right music, it can bring the Spirit and the Spirit brings peace, and hope.

When I was growing up I liked to listen to music to go to sleep.  It would keep my mind from wandering into worries.  My sister Tina patiently listened to Air Supply night after night because I didn't want to listen to Chopin.  Later, when I had my own room, I listened to a tape of the Nauvoo Pageant at night so many times that I can probably still quote along with a lot of it and sing with the songs.  I would go to sleep, and then jerk awake when the tape ended with a snap signalling that it was time to flip the tape.

Music can transport me back to a certain place, time, or event.  It can help me remember things that I would otherwise forget.  There is a lot of power in music, and that power is used by happy people, but that power can also help us to be happy people!

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