Sunday, July 7, 2019

Life Isn't Fair

It is easy to see life as unfair.  If we take to comparing, we can easily find ways that life isn't "fair" to us, or to someone we love, or even to strangers.  Some people are healthy, some are not.  Some have lots of money, some are poor.  Some seem to be loaded with visible talents, while others have the quiet talents that may go unnoticed, even by them.  When we are feeling sorry for ourselves it might help to remember that life was the most unfair to Jesus.

Jesus came down, lived perfectly, was treated awfully, and then suffered for all of the sins He never committed.  We came down, and we do not live perfectly.  We sin on a regular basis, creating some of the unfairness for those around us, and yet, we do not have to meet the demands that justice would require. Christ already did that.   He gave us the gift of repentance and resurrection because He loves us so very much.

So, when we get stuck noticing how unfair and uneven things are around us, we can take comfort that Christ understands unfair.  He can be empathetic, comforting and helpful.  He suffered unfairly, and in so doing made it so that if we turn to Him fully we can be assured that the demands of justice have been met, and we will, in the end, have rewards that we do not deserve but that we will be very, very thankful for.

*Photo by Sandy Millar on Unsplash

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