Sunday, July 14, 2019

Surround Yourself With Happy People

This was one of the 10 things Hank Smith mentioned that happy people do.  What comes to mind?  Me walking in the center of a group of smiling, laughing people everywhere I go.  That would be interesting!  I can even think of a few people I would for sure want in that circle!  My jaw would be sore from smiling and laughing so much, but I'd get great smiling muscles after a while!

Oooo.  We were just at the Scottish Festival here in our town watching people lift heavy things -- and throw heavy things.  There was a poster for some group of weight lifters.  I mentioned that I didn't think they'd let me join.  Derek laughed.  So would the weight lifters.  My gym teacher in high school used to roll her eyes when I had trouble lifting ten pounds above my head.  She asked if I wanted a broomstick.  She was being sarcastic but the answer was Yes!  I would totally be great at lifting a broomstick above my head!  Perhaps, if I were always surrounded by happy people, I could win a smiling muscle contest.  I wonder how such a thing would be judged?

Well, perhaps you can practice using your smiling muscles while you think up ways to judge how strong someone's smiling muscles are. 

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