Monday, January 20, 2020

The Annual Trip To The Car Show

Derek and Me heading to the car show.

I love the person sitting in this car, but the car isn't my favorite color for a car.

I liked the blue suede on the seats.

This is the way to camp if you don't have a hotel or a camper.

I liked this car and was surprised how well my hair matched the roof.
I'm always surprised that my hair is white.

This is a picture Derek took for my Dad.  A Ford Mustang and me.

The green jeep got turned into a snowmobile!

A whole line of jeep-like vehicles.

I'm pretty sure Derek would never pick a purple car, but I wanted to send Kayli a picture of her favorite Papa and a car that is one of her favorite colors!

Derek is in the back seat when I took this picture.  This is a jeep truck.
You can take off the roof and probably the doors.

Here is a blast from the past -- or is it the future?

And finally the BMW Z4 that we took a picture of because we remembered that my sister
Jenny likes these cars.

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