Thursday, January 30, 2020

The Problem With Audio Books

Lately I get double vision if I read for very long.  One hour.  Two at most.  It's very annoying and takes a while to go away, and yet still I resist audio books. And then I accidentally checked one out from "Libby", the online library app.  I checked out "Make Something Good Today" by Erin and Ben Napier.  I have enjoyed listening to them read the book they wrote in their southern "twang", reminiscent of my Kentucky relatives.  I enjoy hearing them talk about their Mamaws and Papaws, and the descriptions that make me think of all that is happy about home.  I also heard a quote or two I like.

The problem with audio books?  I'd have to sit there with a pencil and paper and catch the quotes because I can't flip back through the pages and find them!  The one I heard today went something like this, "God gives us challenges to elevate us, not problems to drag us down."  Even though challenges may elevate us -- eventually -- I believe it is quite normal to first be knocked down by them a bit.  We need faith in Christ and the extra strength gained from getting back up to reach that elevation!

I still prefer reading to audio books, until I reach the point where I have a splitting headache because I'm trying to focus through the blur to find out what happens next!  Then I remember that I might have been better off using my ears to "read".

1 comment:

Mike said...

That couple had a show on HGTV. I'm pretty sure they are from Mississippi. Anyway don't drive after reading. This eyesight tho g does get aggravating. I can see far away just fine but up close reading a book,gotta put the readers on. I've learnt(Kentucky version of learned) over the years GOD let's things happen to draw you closer to Him. The old saying let go and let GOD is proven true everyday.Love ya Cuz,y'all have a good night and take care.