Monday, December 16, 2019

Crying In Public

I don't think most people like to cry in public, but some of us do it occasionally.  Today was one such day for me, though I don't know how many people noticed besides my family.  Why was I crying?  Well, I suppose it boils down to me feeling sorry for myself.  Some things just aren't how I want them to be right now, and though the majority of my life is awesome, sometimes those things I wish would or wouldn't change, or just didn't happen, get the best of me.

My friend is moving.  I mean, I have more than one friend, but this one also happens to be "my" secretary in the Primary and she has helped me so much over the last couple of years that the idea of doing without her has sent me in to fits of tears more than once.  I am happy for her.  I am!  But I still feel sorry for me!

I tore my hamstring in April and waited for it to get better.  Bad move.  It got worse.  So now it hurts to sit, and it hurts if I lay down wrong, or make my stride too long, or squat down, or sing head shoulders knees and toes and do the actions with the cute kids.  Oh, it's not screaming pain, but it isn't fun and apparently, since physical therapy didn't fix it, the next step is to do something to make it hurt twice and badly and put me on crutches for two weeks and back in physical therapy.  It could be ever so much worse, and I get the adventure of crutches I've never had before!  (Ha ha.  I know nobody really loves crutches much).

My Dad is doing great considering he has congestive heart failure -- but that means that he can do what is required to make himself even better.  He can have quintuple bypass surgery.  He's really strong and he'll probably do awesome, but it is still scary for me.  I love my Dad.  I would really like him to stick around for a long time. He's 81 so I don't know how long that can be, but longer than next year would be great, and making it to Christmas would be super excellent.

Those are just some of the things.  Like everyone else, there are always a whole list of things to wish were different.  No worries though, I pulled myself together in time to play the flute and got through the rest of the day with help from those around me. 

Now I plan to move forward with thanksgiving.  I am thankful that I have a friend that I will miss.  I am grateful there is something that can be done so maybe my upper hamstring tendon won't be torn my whole life, and I am really thankful I've kept my Dad this long and he is doing well.  I have a great family, and it is Christmastime!  I love Christmas!  It is time to celebrate joy, and love, and the greatest gift we have ever been given.  A Savior.

Merry Almost Christmas!
***Photo by Ian Schneider on Unsplash

1 comment:

Happy Mom said...

I’m sorry for your setbacks! This is a good reminder that there are more good things than bad in our lives, but it’s okay to mourn the bad things once in a while!! Sometimes a good cry really helps! Love you!