Saturday, December 14, 2019

The Greatest of Miracles

This morning I listened to Christmas music.  One of the songs said, "Sometimes the greatest of miracles come from the smallest of things."  I'm sure this was in reference to a tiny baby boy, born in a stable in a little town called Bethlehem. 

I have had the opportunity to hold little babies many times.  Some have been mine, and some belonged to family and friends.  Each time I hold a little baby I feel like I am holding a miracle.  But maybe the greater miracle is what each baby can grow up to be, and the difference for good they have the potential to make.

Christ was born and grew and met his potential.  His miraculous birth was followed by a faithful life filled with love.  Because he loved so much that He was willing to suffer and die and be resurrected, all of us who were once little baby miracles ourselves can eventually reach the rather miraculous potential we have (even if we feel right now that our potential isn't so great or miraculous).

Small actions, and people of any size or age can help to create love and joy and can help fill the needs of others.   Doing these things may give someone just the miracle they need.

***Picture used by permission from