Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Doing Things Differently

Sometimes I go through years and years doing some things exactly the same, and that isn't always bad.  Just lately though I have taken to thinking about some of the things I do, and deciding if I want to do it the same, or if I would enjoy something else more.  Are there better uses for my time than how I have it arranged now?

The other day I realized that I compulsively check my email because I could see the notice of how many email were waiting on my phone, and I don't like to see the numbers -- it represents something still needing to be done, or maybe some interesting email I want to read!  The solution?  Take my email off of my phone's home screen and choose one or two times a day to check, and take care of email.

In the picture above, there has been the nativity on the left and then a bunch of rather random Christmas decorations that included different sizes of trees, and different sizes of nutcrackers, snowmen, Santas and a wreath above my cabinets every Christmas for years.  It was festive, and I often have left it up through January.  This year I made the star with the lights and decided I would like to just put nativities up on that cabinet.  I like it!  It is a happy reminder of why we are celebrating in the first place.  The other decorations have just moved around a bit.

Doing things differently isn't always a good idea, but I think it is good to evaluate what I do every now and then to make sure I am deliberately using my time in the way that is good for me, and for my family.

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