Saturday, August 19, 2023

Planting in the Rain

I love living here in our blue house.  It smells like pine trees with the canyon breezes.

Today for our date Derek and I bought lots of plants to finish up the front yard.  When they were unloaded I discovered we were three short and so I went and got three more.  As we planted, the weather went from sunny to stormy.  There was a lot of thunder and lightning and some rain.  We kept planting until we ran out of good dirt and so four of the plants will have to wait until Monday to go into the ground.  

The yard is looking awesome even though it isn't done quite yet.  Here are some pictures.

This caged bush is now in the spot where the "Brigham bush" used to be.
We got the Brigham bush from Mike's parents when Brigham was born.  It is really a Weigela and for some reason it has not thrived in this spot.  We moved it and hope it will like its new spot better.

This line of bushes will one day grow into a hedge and will help our fun path have the "wild" feel we are going for.

This is the path.  It will look quite different when the plants are bigger.
The dark stripes are just where I got water when I was watering the plants.

These plants are on the mailbox side of the driveway.  There will be bark where there is just black paper now.  I did mention we aren't finished!


That's it.  We will hopefully be all of the way done with the front yard by the end of August.

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