Sunday, September 22, 2019

A Concert In The Park

I meant to take pictures, but I mean to do a lot of things and they don't always happen!  Yesterday was the Harvest Moon Hurrah in Spanish Fork and so the orchestra I am in went to play 3 numbers.  We got there early and, much to my delight, the Spanish Fork community choir was singing and my brother-in-law Russell was in the group.  Not only that, but for one song, he got to do a solo where he was dressed as the Greatest Showman and he had a microphone and was out singing among the crowd.  I think he is brave because that would scare me, but I imagine that, even with his excellent singing skills, he was nervous too.  But he did it!  I don't think we always have to do things that are hard for us, but I think it is good to push ourselves out of our comfort zone every now and then because I believe it helps us grow.

When it was our turn we played our first two numbers fine, but then we started the third number, and we were NOT together.  Our conductor stopped us, and said, "Let's try that again".  We played it well that time, and I think it is good for people to see that everyone goofs up now and then, and it is okay to start again.  And, if we couldn't have started again, then it would have been okay to do our best, even if it didn't turn out like we hoped.  We can't expect to be perfect every time.

It was a beautiful, chilly day in the park.  My sister-in-law Erin found me before the orchestra went on and gave me a hug.  I got to talk to some of her kids.  When we got done playing Erin and her kids were standing in a group cheering for me.  Having people be happy to see me, and supportive of my efforts no matter how imperfect, makes me happy and I am thankful they stayed to listen.

***Photo by Sergiu Vălenaș on Unsplash

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