Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Trying to Eat Better -- Again

If someone put this out for me every day I'd eat a lot more salad!
Yesterday I was trying to come up with a system for planning meals that is easy, and I thought of one!  And then, I realized that I had thought of it before, and even used it for a while.  Alas, I've had a few "systems" and they work for a while, and then I just don't want to.  I get too tired, or the food doesn't sound like what I want that day, or whatever.

What brought on my sudden desire to eat better?  Two things really.  First, Dan eats way too much "circle chicken" and the Jake and Derek and I eat eggs or sandwiches a lot.  We could use some more variety. Second, Dan has second lunch at school which starts at 12:25 p.m.  That is about 6 hours after Dan has breakfast and he burns up his not very healthy breakfast really fast, and is left a bit light headed or dizzy before lunch arrives -- even with fruit snacks in between classes. 

Besides all of that, I think we would have less colds and asthma trouble at our house if we ate better.  So, here's to trying to eat better.  Again.

***Photo by Dan Gold on Unsplash

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