Monday, September 30, 2019

Halloween and The Bat Cave

I am not a huge fan of decorating for Halloween.  Something about spiders and other creepy creatures just doesn't give the house that homey feel I'm going for.  So, for my birthday I spent a chunk of time doing what?  Decorating for Halloween!  And fall. 

Several years ago I came up with the idea of decorating the entry as The Bat Cave since a lot of my family like to claim that they are Batman.
The "real" Bat Cave entrance is hidden but I wasn't going for "real" and I just think it's funny, kind of like in Megamind when Minion puts a welcome mat at the entrance of the secret lair so that he can find it.  I figure we spend our time in the "Batcave" getting ready to go out and fight evil or stand for the right.

The inside of the door is also decorated. I rather enjoy the times that my boys have given a hearty "To the rescue!" as they go out the door.

Then there are the bats.  They are toasting over the fireplace -- hopefully not melting.

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