Thursday, September 26, 2019

Three Things I Like About Doing Laundry

I took this picture on Tuesday.
It's a lot better than sometimes!
Most Mondays, if you were to show up in the morning or early afternoon, you would find me doing laundry.  Piles and piles of laundry.  Here's what I like about doing laundry.

1.  On laundry day, after I sort the clothes into their baskets, I can actually walk into the laundry room without tripping on anything!  It's the one time during the week that I can probably close the door without shoving some baskets out of the way, and when I walk in, I don't have to traipse through empty baskets (or move them) to get what I want!

2.  I have always liked the sound of laundry machines.  Particularly dryers.  I find it soothing.  And dryers are warm.  I like warm.

3.  I have learned to either pile all the clean clothes up when they are dry and then put in something I want to watch while I fold, or I fold it a basket at a time in my room, and listen to something I want to listen to.  It gives me something to look forward to!

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