Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Puppets Giving Cheerfully

Sunday in Primary (the organization for children) we mostly sang, but I did take ten minutes to teach the children that "God loveth a cheerful giver."  This was one of those times when they learned by watching puppets.  Princess, the Baker and Bright (the cheerleader) gave some examples.  The children and the adults pay really good attention when the puppets visit, and there is a lot of giggling, but hopefully at least a little learning too.

For one scenario the Princess was selfish with her toys.  In the next example she was happy to share and the two puppets played together instead of fighting.  Naturally, the kids found it obvious when the Princess was being a cheerful giver and when she wasn't.  They easily knew she was having more fun when she was sharing. 

My favorite though was when the baker really needed help stirring things because he couldn't stir all of the bowls at once.  I asked all of the kids to say no when he asked them for help.  Hee hee.  They wanted to help so badly that some of them just couldn't do it.  If only it was as easy for them to share with siblings and help parents as it is for them to help the puppets!  I imagine they do pretty well though.  They are good little people!  They do enjoy it when the puppets are naughty the most, but hopefully they act more like the cheerfully giving puppets!

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