Thursday, October 17, 2019

A Heart Still Beating

This morning I got up to say goodbye to the boys before school.  I was planning on going to physical therapy and then leaving for St. George.  Unfortunately, I forgot to buy the necessary food for Dan's lunch at the store the day before, and so I said goodbye to the boys, took a shower, ate, drove to the store, bought stuff, ran home, changed into my therapy shorts, said goodbye to Derek and ran out the door.  That was a little busier than planned!  Then I went to the bank, went to the Jr. High to drop off a lunch, and went home to pack.  Naturally I had to play with the dog for a minute because he was so happy to see me.  Then I made him sad by leaving him home while I went off to St. George.

I got to the St. George hospital where my Dad has been since Sunday just in time to see him discharged.  Then I got gas, got lost, and then found my way to my parents house.  (I did not inherit my Dad's sense of direction!)  Tonight, as I sit in my parents guest room, I am thankful that all of the driving around I did today was safe.  I am thankful that my family at home could spare me to come be with my parents in St. George.  I am glad that Dad is home, and hopefully both of my parents can relax and sleep.  I am glad there is a night for me to get some rest in too, and that I have a comfortable bed to sleep in. 

You never know from day to day how things will go.  Sometimes there are surprise good things, and sometimes surprise bad things.  My Dad is home and looking good.  His heart isn't in good shape, but for tonight, I am just really thankful it is still beating.

1 comment:

Mike said...

I realized a long time ago that all plans don't go as planned. The events of this year that Jenn and I have proven that. I planned on doing a lot of fishing,2 hernia operations got in the way. Jenn planned on doing more art work in her spare time and maybe buying an out building for a studio. She just had gall bladder surgery. The main thing in all this though is that all the trouble we've had has brought us closer to Jesus Christ and to each other. GOD allows bad things to happen so we'll draw close to Him. Tell Uncle Doyle to get better,buy you a map and a GPS,and we love ya Cuz.