Friday, October 25, 2019

A Proud Moment

Not our actual jumper cables.  Ours look a little more used than those!

So, I went out to go to the store, and put the key in the van, turned it, and got "click, click, click, click, click" and not "vroom vroom" like I wanted.  I could have called the roadside service.  They've jumped the van while it was in the garage before.  But I decided that I was resourceful and had a truck out front with a perfectly good battery.  So I found the jumper cables, and Teddy and I jumped in and out of the truck a few times until it was properly maneuvered really close to the van.  And I did it!  I got the van started, and didn't kill either vehicle!  That was my proud moment.

Then Teddy and I went driving to recharge the battery.  I'm not used to driving with Teddy.  He needs a seatbelt.  He likes to stick his head out the window, which I had to lock so he wouldn't accidentally close it on himself.  While driving around, I came upon an unexpected stop sign.  I started to put on my brakes, and Teddy started to fall, and I did the nice thing.  I ran the stop sign.  There were no vehicles in sight except the one quite a ways behind me that was not occupied by a law enforcement officer:-)

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