Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Where and When Do Our Thoughts Take Us?

Look forward to the light.
Have you ever gotten stuck looking back at a specific time and place and what was done and said to you, or what you did or said to someone else?  Have you felt the same misery over and over as you visit past memories?  I have done that way too many times, but the past is over and we can't get it back, and wishing for it to come back so we can fix it really isn't going to work. 

I am most successful at getting out of those mind traps when I get up and actively do something good.  I try to actively move forward -- doing something that requires my mind to pay attention to now.  I do like to look back and remember happy things, and be thankful for them again and again.  I do not think there is harm in that.  But going back to things that we can no longer change or make better drags our eyes into the dark, when we really need light to see clearly.

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