Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Tyler's Farewell and Teddy's Escape

Our nephew Tyler is going into the Mission Training Center in Provo on Wednesday to prepare for the Iowa City Mission.  He spoke in church yesterday and so we went to listen and then went to their house to visit for a while afterwards.  We enjoy Tyler.  He is a good person and he will be a good missionary I am sure.  He even let me give him a hug before I left :-)

While we were at their house I got a text from our neighbor telling me that Teddy had escaped.  This wasn't a huge surprise since he is something of an escape artist.  Trisa's dogs were here too and sometimes Teddy wants a vacation from being chased by Doug (the dog) and so he jumps the fence.  Kayli had her Dad bring her home right away.  Where did he come from when she whistled?  The back yard.  He had jumped back in.  Pretty soon I got a text with the picture below.
Kayli washing the snow clumps off of Teddy since it was a snowy day.
When I got home Kayli was feeling sorry for the shivering dogs outside.  She decided she needed to bring them in too and wash them off.
Kayli with Teddy, Doug, and Chewy (left to right)

I rather love this picture.  Kayli loves the doggies!!
They love her too,

1 comment:

Happy Mom said...

I love Kayli taking care of the dogs!! Our dog was a fence jumper also! Silly dogs. I didn't know there was an Iowa City Mission. When we lived in Iowa we were part of the Des Moines Mission. I'm guessing Iowa City would cover Davenport (where Allen worked) and Bettendorf (where we lived). We loved it there! Great, great people!!