Monday, October 7, 2019

How Do You Connect With Heaven?

In General Conference we were told to deliberately take time to connect with heaven.  The thing is, we may deliberately take the time to TRY to connect with heaven and not succeed.  What then?  I have been thinking lately that when that happens, we often keep trying the same thing over and over without results.  So, we need to deliberately take the time to try to connect with heaven, and if it doesn't work, we might need to try something else.

For example, sometimes I connect with heaven well when I study the scriptures, but it often depends upon if I have the energy to actually study, or if I'm just going through the motions.  On low energy days, I probably would have a better chance of connecting with heaven by singing hymns.  Some people connect with heaven easiest by taking time in nature, and observing God's creations.  Praying out loud almost always helps me to connect with heaven better than praying in my head, because my mind has a tendency to wander a little too easily.

I think the most important thing is to deliberately take the time to try to connect with heaven, and don't give up if it doesn't seem to be working.  Maybe on days like that, we could see if there is a little change we could make that would help.

**Photo by Johannes Plenio on Unsplash

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