Sunday, November 24, 2019

An Itchy Nose

This isn't about this cow's nose -- but I like this picture!
Have you ever heard that if you have an itchy nose a visitor is going to show up?  Well, if that were true then a huge group of people should have shown up after my MRI the other day!  This is the 3rd MRI I've had in my life.  I wasn't dreading it.  I actually was so relaxed that I thought I might accidentally fall asleep (It was evening).  And then .... I went in to the tube and my nose immediately started itching.  OH MY GOODNESS!!!!! It was awful!

I tried all of my usual things -- singing to myself, thinking of things I'm thankful for.  It was no match for my itchy nose.  The only thing that actually sort of worked for a few seconds was to concentrate on the loud banging that I could hear through the ear plugs and the headphones.  I was SO thankful when I got out and was finally was able to scratch my nose! 

The MRI was on my upper hamstring and I don't have the results yet.  I can walk just fine and felt a little silly being there when other people were limping along and cringing with every step.  I have more problems sitting.  Physical therapy wasn't working fast enough, or well enough and the Dr. wants to see if it is worse than he thought, or what.  I imagine it's just one of those things I need to have extreme patience to get over.
**Photo by Amanda Kerr on Unsplash

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