Saturday, November 16, 2019

What Shall We Give To The Child In A Manger?

I was watching the BYU basketball game with Derek the other day when I got distracted because a guy in a commercial looked familiar and I didn't know why.  I finally came to the conclusion that he was in a church Christmas video, but I didn't know how to find it.  I remembered, finally, that the song in it is "What Shall We Give" and, sure enough, there was the video by the same name.  It is a video I have watched many times because I love it.

In the video there are three men from the same family heading home from work, and it shows the way that they each go out of their way to help people where they are, and then, once the first one has picked up the other two they end up helping a man push his car.  Finally, they arrive home, and are shown participating in the family nativity scene as the three wise men.  It always makes me want to be a little more observant so that I can be more helpful at meeting the needs of those around me.

I have been blessed with a lot of things, but a lot of times, I think the need for a friend, or a smile, or help with yard or house work is greater than the need for more things.  And whether it is things, or some other way of helping, the gift we can give the child in the manger that He will most appreciate is love.  Love for Him, shown by love for those around us.

**Picture used by permission from

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