Friday, November 15, 2019

Something to Look Forward To

Decorating for Christmas
Is on the calendar!
I decided recently that I should deliberately try to put things to look forward to  into my schedule as much as possible.  It's nice to look forward to something in every day, but if that isn't happening, it's good, at least for me, to plan something at a not too distant time that I want to do.

Today I went on a fun shopping trip to Savers with Derek's cousin Melanie, and then out to lunch.  It was so much fun!  Another thing I look forward to is dates with Derek.  My girls and I have good plans to go watch my ballerina niece dance. For the first time ever, my girls and I are going to get our fingernails painted in a festive fashion, Apparently Tia has been waiting her whole life to do something like this with us! 

So, think of things you like, and put them on the calendar.  They might have to be rescheduled here and there, but they are a lot more likely to happen if they are on the schedule!

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