Sunday, November 10, 2019

Guarding The Door

Trisa and Chewy
The picture I am posting is of Trisa.  She is guarding the door to my bedroom because the dogs are not allowed in our room, and there were three who wanted in.  Chewy is the one with the ball in his mouth, leaning on her. 

Somehow this picture reminded me of a hymn we sang in choir when I was the director years and years ago.It goes, "Up, awake, ye defenders of Zion!  The foe's at the door of your homes; ........Stand firm and be faithful and true."

Now, the dogs are not our foes, and neither is Trisa, but she was cheerfully guarding the door so the rules could be kept.  But there are negative things trying to make it into our homes and minds all of the time.  We need to be on guard, recognize those things, and be faithful in resisting them -- in keeping them outside of the doors to our homes, and outside of our minds.

These things can come from media, and often do.  They can come from the words we tell ourselves that are untrue and unkind.  Sometimes we let in apathy, or neglect, or hopelessness.  Instead of these things we need to open our doors and our windows to love.  To words of kindness for and about ourselves and others.  To love for God.  To diligence in seeking the good.  And, when things do sneak past us, we don't need to waste time beating ourselves up.  Instead, we just do our best to quickly vanquish that foe -- tossing it out the door and as far away as we can get it!

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