Thursday, February 20, 2020

A Present Kind Of Day

Today was busy.  I got more steps today than I have in a long time -- probably because they put me on the treadmill at physical therapy to see if there was some way I could adjust my walking to put less pressure on my hamstrings.  The answer?  Not really.  I got a new balancing exercise today that is kind of fun though.  That is good.  I was tired of doing exactly the same thing -- so I got to trade a couple of exercises out.  Bring on the Monster walks!

I went shopping today for groceries and cleaned out the fridge when I got home --  I mean really cleaned it instead of sort of cleaned it like usual.  I visited with Derek's Mom, and then came home where I received a couple of gifts.

A friend of mine has been learning to carve, and I found out she carves comfort birds and asked if I could have one (You know -- can I have a present please?).  She brought some for me to choose from.  That was hard!  Kayli got one too.  Here's mine.
I put it next to my ring holder elephant so you could kind of see what size it is.  It fits in the palm of my hand and is very smooth.  They can be comforting to hold.  It is beautiful and ended up matching my desk pretty well!

For Valentine's Day we told the kids they could pick a book on Amazon.  I have a pile of books I'm behind on reading and I keep checking things out on the online library anyway!  I decided I would try overalls again and so I bought those instead.  They were a bit over the book budget, but I'm the Mom so it's ok :-)  Last time I had a pair of overalls I was asked if I was pregnant -- and I wasn't (I think that was about 25 years ago).  I never wore them again.  Sad.  My hair is kind of white now so maybe nobody will ask this time :-?

These are for spring or summer.  I'm looking forward to spring and summer.  I pruned the rose bushes today.  I'm hoping to get to my sage tomorrow.  I'll just need to wear a mask because I'm allergic to sage (though I can eat it fine) and I learned last year that trimming them without a mask was a miserable idea.

I got to talk to Trisa for a while this evening, and Tia for a minute, and Derek made dinner.  Derek, Jake, Dan, Teddy and I played ping pong (We try not to let Teddy play, but sometimes the ball lands in his mouth.  Oops!)  I am tired, but besides Dan not feeling well for a lot of the day, the day was a good one.

1 comment:

Happy Mom said...

Why a pretty bird! What a unique talent she shares! And you look so cute in the overalls!