Monday, February 10, 2020


I was listening to Emily Freeman and David Butler and the subject of Mercy came up.  Emily has been studying it very recently and the definition she came up with is this:  Mercy = Active Compassion.

Jesus has mercy on us.  He has compassion, and actively and willingly performed the Atonement for us so that we could have the chance to repent and so that death will not be a permanent thing.

Emily gave the example of a Mother as being actively compassionate as she allows a baby to grow inside her.  She actively gives nutrients, energy, and a place for the baby to grow.  She gives up her shape, and often her ability to do things she has always done -- at least for a while.

This is Valentine's Day week.  It is a hard week for some.  It is a good week (not that there is ever a bad one) to give active compassion to those around us, especially anyone that we know will be struggling.  Of course, it is also a good week for those who are hurting to try to work through the hurt and find enough energy to have mercy on someone else.  Even if no one else sees or appreciates our efforts, for sure Heavenly Father will!

Photo by J W on Unsplash

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