Thursday, February 13, 2020

I Can Be Patient. I Hope.

On my latest trip to Deseret Industries to look around I found a table.  It cost $12 and I decided to buy it.

It is solid wood, just like the red "desk" that I bought last year.  It used to be a leaf table -- but there wasn't a leaf.  So my plan?  Take it apart.  I've accomplished that.  Strip the paint off and sand it and see what it looks like underneath.  Glue the two sides together and try to make it look like one piece.  And then refinish it. 

The plan is to use it on the back porch.  I could paint a checkerboard on it, or make it a map table.  (I've been looking on Pinterest again).  Or, I could just make it an ordinary solid wood table -- stained or painted.  We'll see.  I do know that I have a lack of patience when it comes to sanding and so I figure I'd better hang a sign up somewhere that says, "I can be patient!" and then I need to actually be patient so it will look decent. 

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