Thursday, February 6, 2020

Dancing in The Clouds

When I was thinking about all of the wonderful things there are to do and see and how little time I have to cram in as many good things as possible, I wondered if I could be happy if I couldn't DO things.  I like to do things.  I like to feel like I am accomplishing something.  What if I was not able to move?  I mean, two weeks on crutches was kind of depressing for me.  It's hard to do things with your hands occupied!  (I plan on living a long healthy life -- in case you were wondering).

I decided that if that ever happens, and I can't move much or accomplish the things I regularly do, I would have to get good at being like Dan -- getting lost in my imagination.  Of course, my imagination wouldn't have me creating awesome animations or video games like Dan's does.  I would create a vision of me doing things that I wish I could do -- like flying, or dancing in the clouds.  Hopefully, while doing that, I would be able to pull up some gratitude for the things I can "do" without moving.

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