Monday, February 24, 2020

Derek told Kayli ... "You Know You Are A Real Adult When ...

You take pictures of empty closets for fun."  I not only do that, but I clean them for fun!

Yesterday I was excited to clean the closet by the garage because I had some ideas for making it better.  Naturally, I didn't think to take a "before" picture so this will be most impressive to my family who knows what it usually looks like.  Actually, we almost always forget to close it so maybe everyone who has ever been here knows what it looks like!

I emptied everything out and then discovered just how awful the paint that has been there for 22 years looked.  I couldn't bring myself to put things back in without painting it first.  So, I got out the paint and got to work.  It turns out that painting closets isn't really fun -- but it did make a huge difference!
Because I painted the closet, I had to wait until today to put everything back in, but I am pleased with the result!
Now the dog food fits in the closet!  Yay!

Now I can get kleenexes out without dropping loose boxes on my head,
and we can reach our gloves and hats without having to reach past snow suits while kneeling on the floor!  Woot Woot!

And this isn't tons different except there isn't a pile of umbrellas there looking messy.
As a bonus, while cleaning the closet I found the cork that goes in the lid of our ice cream maker when the ice cream is done and ready to be stored.  It's been missing for a very long time.  Maybe 20 years!  I also found a pair of pants I used to wear in the snow to keep dry.  They've been missing (by hanging in a messy closet) for a long time -- long enough that the elastic was no good anymore.  I am pleased to check off another project from our long list!

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