Saturday, February 8, 2020

Tender Mercies

There is never a bad time for tender mercies, but sometimes they happen at just the right time, and therefore are hard to miss!

Last night when I went to bed I was tense and maybe a bit cranky.  Dan missed school again and I always worry about him getting behind.  He didn't seem too sick, but he was having trouble breathing -- needing his inhaler as often as he could use it.  It hadn't been a bad day for me, but I am frustrated that Dan gets sick so much, and I was really tired.  Unfortunately, being tired and cranky makes it harder for me to sleep.  And then my phone made a noise signaling that I had a text -- and that I had forgotten to turn the sound off.

I picked it up, and there was a text from Derek's cousin Melanie, who is my friend.  She had sent me a link to an instagram post on how to make a fairy garden because she knows that I'm interested in making one.  It really made a difference to be thought of, and after deciding we should probably go fairy garden plant shopping together in the spring, I turned off the sound on my phone and felt more ready for sleep.

I also had the tender mercy yesterday of seeing a comment my Kentucky cousin Mike had made on my blog.  It was thoughtful, and encouraging, and kind and I am so thankful that he takes the time to write me messages sometimes!  He is good at sharing his faith in Christ, and I really love that!

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