Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Inviting The Birds Back

This is like a seek and find.  There are 5 bird feeders in this picture.
Can you find them?
For quite a long time we had bird feeders in the back yard and I enjoyed watching the birds devour, or toss, or fight over the food.  They flew in and out in a variety of sizes and colors and it was fun to try to identify them -- though most are finches or doves.  At some point it seemed like having dogs running around the back yard and having bird feeders at the same time wasn't working well, and it was hard to keep up with it all.  This last week I decided to invited the birds back to the yard by hanging up multiple feeders.  Sure enough, a couple of days later birds started to come, and in what seems like a miraculous fashion to me, more birds become aware of the location of the food every day!  I am thankful for birds!

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