Saturday, February 29, 2020

A Happy Saturday

This morning Derek and I set out to go to "The Market Beautiful" at the fairgrounds in SLC.  Fortunately, I remembered before we left town that The Market Beautiful is next week!  So, we went to Olson's Garden Shoppe instead and looked at the pretty plants and the old doors and furniture that they have things set up on.  Then we drove around for a while and looked at a big house that someone is having built.  I enjoyed it all very much.  Finally we came home, much to the surprise of the children who expected us to be gone longer.

Once we got home we decided not to hang my new wooden shelf thing on the wall because it is quite heavy.  It works just fine here on our book shelf.

After that Derek helped me with my table.  I really planned on doing the whole thing myself, but sometimes I just need to admit that I need a consultant, or resident expert to give me a hand.  I finally managed to get the top sanded yesterday and I clamped it just to see how big of a gap is left.  In all of my sanding and cleaning and trying to get rid of the gap, I managed to drop half of the table on my big toe.  It now is a not very pretty shade of purple -- but it doesn't hurt much.
This is the table yesterday.  It's looking pretty good!  Today after some more sanding we glued the table halves together.  There was still a little gap which I filled with wood filler.  On Monday I'll sand the middle and, if I have time, work on the remaining sanding.  There isn't much left since Derek helped with that today too.  Then I can paint it!  YAY!  There's a slim chance I would stain the top, but probably I will paint it.

Derek cleaned our cars, and I cleaned another closet, and Dan worked on painting a different project of mine.  All in all it was a productive and happy day!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a great day!