Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Finding the Root

When the root is not pulled, the dandelion will grow back.
Photo by Denis Agati on Unsplash
Monday on the Christian radio station someone said that, in order to solve a problem, you must first find the root -- the reason that the problem exists in the first place.

For example, if you had a leak in your house, continually mopping up the water is not going to solve the problem.  We would have to find the hole and fix it.  If we sin, it is helpful to know why.  Maybe I am caring more what people think than what God thinks.  Maybe I'm feeling lonely or stressed, and a distraction helps me forget.  Maybe someone -- even myself -- told me something negative about me and I believed it, and decided God doesn't love me, and so there is no reason to follow His laws.

When we know the why of what we are doing -- then we can work on a solution, and the sin will be easier to say goodbye to.  I think one of the best things to do to help is to study scripture and try to understand just how much we need our Savior, and just how much God loves us.  The more we trust Him and turn to Him the easier it will be to say no to sin.  We will still be tempted, but our love for God will act as a kind of shield.  God will help us find the root of our sins and eradicate them!

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