Saturday, January 28, 2023



Photo by Rafael Hoyos Weht on Unsplash
Today was actually a really good day.  I visited with a friend, went on a date with Derek, watched a show I like, and went down to help Derek's parents put something on KSL to sell.  We also had a good chat.  And then it happened.  I got into the van with Jake and started backing out and I backed into the fence post at the edge of their driveway.  Usually I just back into garbage cans or snow banks.  Sigh.  It was impressive how far the pieces of vinyl post flew!

Jake was with me and he did warn me -- just a moment too late.  He picked up the pieces while I went to confess, and then he showed his grandpa and I the giant wasp nest that had gone flying too.  If this had happened years ago I probably would have cried.  This time I just sighed and thought, "well that wasn't very smart" and "we have a new project to do!"  My parents-in-law are always super kind and this was no exception.

As for the horse picture.  I just thought it was funny:-)

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