Sunday, November 13, 2022

Partly Cloudy or Partly Sunny?

When Kayli asked our electronic friend Alexa what the weather was going to be today, Alexa said partly sunny.  It was actually quite cloudy at the time and Kayli wondered how it was decided that one day it would be partly cloudy and another partly sunny.  Isn't it the same?

Let's call this picture
"Mostly Winter"
Well, if I were describing my day today I would have to say that my mood and general feeling was mostly cloudy.  I was tired.  It was hard to stay awake at church and I kept going from cold to hot and back again.  However, there were definitely moments of sunshine in my day.  The first was literally sunshine.  I sat in the sun at our dining room table and had lunch with Derek.  Warmth, food, and companionship.  It was great.

Next was family coming over.  Tia and Brigham, Connor and Amanda.  It was so good to have them here!  Then my friend Teresa and her familly came over and I got a couple of good hugs and enjoyed watching everyone watching the deer, and the kids playing together and making the house feel happy.

There was also Christmas Choir.  I still felt exhausted and a bit sad (which is what happens when I'm exhausted), but I absolutely love singing Christmas Music.

Finally there was Dan's enthusiasm when I got home from choir and from dropping off a coat that had been left here.  I went to hug him and he was really happy to see me.  Everyone could use an enthusiastic greeting every now and then.  It was as if that hour and a half I was gone was the longest hour and a half ever!

So, even though a lot of my day felt cloudy, there was a lot of "sunny" in there too!

This one from a couple of weeks earlier we will call
"Mostly Fall"

This can be "Mostly Fall Perspective #2"

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